Friday, February 9, 2018

No One’s Ever Really Gone: The Synergy of The Heroic, Tragic, and Poetic Arcs in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy

IMPORTANT: The following essay will draw upon existing work for a lot of its content and conclusions. I do not claim credit for the work cited to others below, though my interpretations and commentary are included throughout. Most of the content I’m referring to can be found in links included below, and the primary sources are Ohtze’s “Kill the King and Take His Crown,” and Ashes+For+Foxes’ “The Descent.” 

You can also find a lot of really insightful work on this stuff by listening to related podcasts, like recent episodes of SW Connection, Metamashina and Scavenger’s Hoard. Literary theory isn’t new stuff, and any analysis will necessarily stand on the shoulders of giants. However, I hadn’t seen any analysis on the synergy and interplay of the various tropes and archetypes discussed. 

TO BE PERFECTLY CLEAR: The summary of the constituent parts of these tropes and archetypes is based on the work of others, in both written and commentary form. My contribution is the assignment of the various elements to the heroic, character, and narrative structures, and a guess as to how those elements will play out on screen. Some of the guesses are close to or identical to those suggested by Ohtze, because I think she’s right, but I’ve added editorial commentary and my own spin on it. The summary of the literary structures is intended as crib notes for anyone unfamiliar with these terms or other works.


I’ve come to a few pretty startling revelations over the last few days (re-reading the above mentioned metas and taking in new analysis from other places also mentioned above, in addition to my own background in lit theory) and, while I’m still slow roasting this in my mind, I wanted to share. Strap in, though. This is a hell of a ride.

My lit theory engines have been running non-stop since The Last Jedi was released, because I could see there was a highly developed structure underpinning everything. I just couldn’t put my finger on it, and, while some tropes and archetypes I’ve encountered as applied by analyses in the fandom fit in certain areas, others didn’t match up. But now I think I see what’s being done, and, well, goddamn.

What we’re seeing here is the synergy of the entire saga being brought together. J.J. Abrams himself said Episode IX is intended to do just that. The question is: how do you accomplish that? Through the evolution of the saga, different through lines have been adopted and integrated. First, there was the mythic, then, the tragic, followed by the poetic, and, finally, the gothic. Now that there are four distinct and synergized elements guiding four distinct elements of the saga’s conclusion, finding one pure parallel is nigh impossible, and for good reason: this is more ambitious than anything a major production has really tried.

As my professional training is in the law, it wouldn’t do to structure this as I would a creative work of fiction. So, in deference to the legal tradition, here’s a summary of conclusions:

Star Wars operates first and foremost as a Hero’s Journey, or, more specifically, three separate journeys: The Hero’s Journey of Luke Skywalker, the Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker, and the Heroine’s Journey of Rey of Jakku. These three journeys are distinct and operate within an overall poetic structure that binds the saga together. Each trilogy represents a poetic stanza, and the three trilogies are arranged overall as a palistrophe (wherein the tragedy of the first stanza is unwound and reversed by the third). 

[In earlier versions of this essay, I incorrectly identified the poetic device being used here as palindrome. Credit to a Facebook user to calling me on my bullshit and not letting me talk my way around it. The device I intended to identify is a chiasmus, and more specifically, a palistrophe, in which chiastic structure is used to address broad elements, rather than exact mirrors. A palindrome is far too constrained a device for it to be the appropriate device, and I ought to have known it. A good example of a palistrophe is the Biblical story of the Flood, in which the first act details the coming of the Flood, the middle act deals with the consequences of the Flood, and the third act unwinds and reverses the first and presents the elements as mirrors, thus arriving at different thematic conclusions.]

The Original Trilogy features monomythic character archetypes and narrative, needing nothing else. The Prequel Trilogy features tragic character archetypes and narrative, utilizing a failed Hero’s Journey as its mythic foundation. The Sequel Trilogy features the same tragic character archetypes as the Prequel Trilogy, but inverts the roles and elements as befitting the palistrophic poetic arc, and, as the gender roles are reversed, employs a Heroine’s Journey to counteract the tragic conclusions of the Prequel Trilogy. Because neither the monomythic nor the tragic narratives are applicable to a non-tragic Heroine’s Journey, the Sequel Trilogy adopts a gothic romantic narrative to carry the poetic and heroic arcs to the Heroine’s Journey’s conclusion.

In the applications of these various tropes, the Sequel Trilogy uses the base narrative of the gothic romance, but those elements that do not comport with the tragic character archetypes are overridden by the archetypal dicta. Similarly, because the Heroine of the Sequel Trilogy does not have a tragic flaw, when the conclusions reached by the tragic archetypes or the gothic narrative would conflict with the requirements of the Heroine’s Journey, those conclusions must be controlled by the Heroine’s Journey.

Here follows the more specific discussion. Let’s follow the bouncing ball:

The Original Trilogy was powered by a simple Hero’s Journey: Luke Skywalker’s. The classic Campbellian monomyth is applied in almost perfect step-by-step progression. Taken on its own, this is all that’s needed. George Lucas took the pulp elements of space opera and placed his Hero on his journey through it.

But then Lucas decided to make the prequels, and he wanted to use the same mythical structure, but the archetypes of the monomyth didn’t work. Why? Because Anakin Skywalker is not a classic heroic figure. He is a tragic hero; that is, the Hero of the monomyth, but with a fatal flaw that prevents him from completing his journey. To do this kind of story, Lucas elected to draw from Sophocles himself and took the base archetypes from Oedipus Rex (the greatest of all Greek tragedies), applied them to the Star Wars universe through the Hero’s Journey, and we saw that play out exactly as one would expect it.

In Ohtze’s excellent meta, “Kill the King, and Take His Crown,” she details the application of the Usurper/Holy Mother trope as established by Greek tragic tradition (and supplemented by Freudian analysis), and I’ll be discussing that here. The trope, by my reckoning, applies mostly to the characters moving within other structures, but applies very broadly to the Prequel Trilogy by dint of being a straight transfer of both tragic character archetype and narrative. 

By using the Usurper as the male archetype, Lucas fundamentally changed the way Darth Vader’s entire arc is to be interpreted. Instead of a messianic crusader, Vader is redrawn as a Dog of War, corrupted in the absence of his female counterpart, taken from him as a result of his own tragic fall. This also reframes Luke’s own Hero’s Journey, as his arc takes shape through the Oedipus archetypal structure, and transforms him into an avatar of his dead mother; i.e., the only figure through whom the Usurper can be redeemed. However, Vader’s crimes were too great, and his Queen (Holy Mother) was dead. Redemption had to be followed by death, and Luke’s Hero’s Journey ends, as all must, with the Hero assuming the legacy left by his father, gaining mastery over two worlds (here the Light and Dark Sides of the Force).

When confronting how to approach the Sequel Trilogy, the first thing I assume they established was using the three films to reverse the tragedy of Anakin’s fall. So, in some ways, they found themselves hemmed in by what had come before, but also had some serious decisions to make concerning a final element: by subverting the tragic trope, it makes the narrative of the tragedy inapplicable, and it must be supplanted by something else. Also, because the poetic device used to reverse prior stanzas is palistrophe, all major elements and roles needed to be reversed. That leads to a few conclusions that explain a LOT.

In reversing Anakin’s fall, the same tragic archetypes must be used for the new characters. However, because of the palistrophe, the production’s hand was forced in a few areas. First, the heroic role had to be the female counterpart to the Usurper, taking the tragic figure out of the Hero’s role. This is key. If the tragic figure is not the capital-h Hero, the tragedy can be avoided if the Hero/Heroine’s Journey overrides the tragic conclusions. 

Second, by reversing the roles, that put the Sequel Trilogy into a Heroine’s Journey, with the Holy Mother archetype as the Heroine. 

Ashes+For+Foxes’ excellent analysis of Valerie Frankel’s work on the Heroine’s Journey, and its application to The Force Awakens informs this next section a great deal. The most pertinent meta is “The Descent,” linked above.

The Heroine’s Journey differs fundamentally from the Hero’s Journey in that the Heroine is much more attuned to the Shadow than a Hero, gaining mastery over the darkness through understanding instead of conflict. Another important distinction is the Heroine’s Journey’s interest in family, and the transition from childhood to womanhood to motherhood. Where the Hero’s Journey is more anodyne and chaste, the Heroine’s Journey is explicitly a journey of sexual awakening, with one of the elements including marriage to the Animus (often portrayed as Prince Charming, et al), and eventual consummation and sexual union with him. The Animus is a true counterpart, representing the yin to her yang, completing the whole, and this relationship is essential in the Heroine’s Journey.

There are many examples of conflation of elements in the Heroine’s Journey, and here, as in Beauty and the Beast, Kylo Ren is both an agent of the Shadow, and the Heroine’s Animus. Because the Heroine must confront and overcome the Shadow, and also wed the Animus, the major conflict of her Journey becomes freeing her lover from the Shadow’s influence.

Fairy tale offers a lot of rich territory to mine, but it’s short on substance. This is where narrative structure comes into play. You have the poetic goal, the tragic character archetypes, and the Heroine’s Journey running through it. But what structure will the story adopt?

This is the point where my analysis of the synergies of these elements hit a snag, even though it was staring me right in the damn face: the story is being told as a Byronic gothic romance. The first response to this might be: why? Because Star Wars uses what works. And the Byronic tradition is perhaps the most effective and emotionally resonant model that employs a capital-h Heroine with a tragic lover who must be freed from the darkness.

[The ladies at SW Connection did a great video on comparisons between the Reylo arc and Jane Eyre that is very well done. I’m quite familiar with Jane Eyre and its other gothic kin, but somehow missed the parallel for all the talk of Pride and Prejudice.]

I’m far from the first person to notice the parallels between the Sequel Trilogy and the female driven stories of the gothic era. The most often cited has been Pride and Prejudice, and some story elements do indeed fit, but the fit is awkward. Rey and Kylo’s relationship mirrors the intensity and tension of Darcy and Elizabeth, but one must remember that P&P is satirical, not strictly romance. Instead, one must look to actual gothic romance, and the most prominent and applicable is Jane Eyre. 

Jane Eyre’s story is eerily similar to the Reylo arc. The only things that truly don’t fit are those things filled in by the use of the tragic archetypes (the Usurper and Holy Mother archetypes override gothic character motivations), and the Heroine’s Journey (which is and will always be supreme in this kind of story). Jane and Rochester fit the class and gender roles of Reylo; their attraction is similar, and they also share an unexplained and occasionally supernatural connection (the Force Bond scenes seem to draw a lot from the implications of a supernatural gothic romance). The Byronic tradition also typically includes a bungled proposal that is always refused by the heroine, and the eventual reunification of the lovers after time spent apart takes its toll on them both. The Byronic heroine loves her counterpart, and does so even though everyone else thinks he isn’t worth it, and he, for his part, is irascible and cruel to everyone but the heroine. The Byronic male character suffers for his moral failings, and is brought low, makes a life change and corrects his awful behavior, and is redeemed through the love of the heroine (again, through implied supernatural means, though the nature of that intervention varies dramatically from story to story). The lovers then get their happily ever after.

Gothic romances very often end in tragedy (see Wuthering Heights), but only when there is no true capital-h Heroine to drive the narrative. When there is no true heroic figure, tragic flaws will rule the day in stories heavily tilted toward tragic ends. But in this iteration of Star Wars, we have a Heroine, whose mythic archetype and narrative role are tied up in the redemption of her lover, and since she’s on a Heroine’s Journey, and doesn’t have a tragic flaw herself, the rules of the game dictate she has to triumph.

Perhaps, at this point, a demonstration is appropriate:

In The Force Awakens, Rey and Kylo’s first encounter is, to say the least, confrontational and unfriendly. This dynamic does not improve throughout the film, though he does soften toward her to some measurable degree. In The Last Jedi, as the elements of their supernatural connection become apparent, their dialogue becomes more comfortable, less acrimonious; they connect on a spiritual level, and achieve a unique understanding of each other. But Kylo is an absolute shit to everyone other than Rey, sometimes violently so. He, however, is also devoted to her in a very obvious way by the climactic moments of The Last Jedi, and proposes his version of marriage to Rey, but the terms of this union are unacceptable to her, and she has to leave him.

This sounds a lot like Jane Eyre. But the parallels don’t line up like they should. The reason they don’t is we’re not in 1830s England, and the supernatural elements aren’t abstractions or allegory. Rey and Kylo are, like their tragic archetypes, playing in the realm of the Gods, replete with actual magic and cryptic prophecy. Rochester isn’t a murderer and war criminal like Kylo is. But the Usurper archetype is, and the mythic setting dictates a more visceral level of antagonism than verbally abusing servants and violating the norms of polite aristocratic society.

Like Jane, Rey is an orphan, and discarded multiple times, left to fend for herself in the face of constant abandonment. But Jane, though strong, is always subservient to the authority figures that surround her, having no other real choice. Rey is not bound by those constraints, but if that’s so, then, shouldn’t the Holy Mother archetype dictate her motivations? Well, she is driven by a desire for belonging and family, and she fiercely protects those she holds dear, but she is in no way attended by the pomp and circumstance of the queen in the tragic trope. So, the Heroine’s Journey rules the day, setting her on the path to her magical weapon, call to adventure, and confrontation with the Shadow, etc.


I’ll tell you. Jesus.

With this formula, it becomes very possible to game out what will happen in Episode IX with a startling degree of specificity. Remember, this is my interpretation, applying the formula I’ve detailed above and supplementing my own personal conjecture and assumptions as necessary. So, again acknowledging that some of these basic predictions have been made before, here goes:

Rey and Kylo will remain severed in their bond for the first part of the movie. They must be made to feel the sting of loneliness and recognize the incompletion only cured by the other’s presence in their lives.

Rey will find solace in her new family for awhile, but will not be able to replace the feeling of belonging and completion she feels with Kylo. This longing will act as a real source of conflict and represent a constant struggle to stave off the Shadow (the Dark Side).

Supreme Leader Kylo Ren will try to convince himself that he only used Rey to help him usurp Snoke’s throne, if only as an attempt to shield himself from the reality that he has been abandoned by his Queen, and will continue to seek her, but probably use the excuse of pursuing the Resistance as justification.

The Knights of Ren will appear as Kylo’s personal honor guard and act as military commanders as well, another poke in the eye to General Hux. The Knights will represent Kylo’s stated ideal to begin a new order of Force users, one that has its basis in the Dark Side. If this is the case, I foresee Rey tangling with at least one of them in the front half of the movie (she’ll probably kill the Knight, having no other choice, and giving the other Knights a vengeance incentive to track her down and kill her).

Leia’s death will cause a real shift in the status quo for both Rey and Kylo, as the shock of her passing will leave them both vulnerable. I assume this will cause the Force to join them, and they will have a reckoning about their parting and an acknowledgment/reinforcement of the feelings they have for each other (though it’s likely this will still remain implicit for the time being). Unless they go for the gold and have them initiate physical contact through the Force again, only this time without Uncle Luke outside the door (the tragic trope suggests physical contact here due to the loss of the Usurper’s birth mother, but that could be toned down or delayed for dramatic effect). It’s also entirely possible that this could actually be an in-person meeting, but I doubt that for plot reasons.

Rey’s connection with Kylo will be revealed to the Resistance. Not sure how this will happen exactly, but its effect will be to cause separation and distrust between Rey and her adopted family.

The consequences of the revelation of the Force Bond to the Resistance will cause the rebels to make a fatal mistake. The First Order will move to finish the Resistance, and this time it’ll be for good.

About this time, Kylo is going to find himself in the midst of some extreme conflict. The pull to the Light will be stronger than ever, and I anticipate he will call once more to Vader for guidance. Typically, Sith cannot be Force Ghosts, but Anakin was redeemed, so his spirit endures. I anticipate it will be a riven, tortured existence, and we’ll get some spectacular visual effect that shifts his ghost from blue to red, with the red one maimed, burned, and scarred. This experience will shake him to his foundations.

For her part, I wrestled with whether Rey would also receive supernatural guidance from Luke’s Force Ghost, but I’ve come down on the side of that not being the case. Rey is past the point in the Heroine’s Journey where she’s looking to father figures for guidance. Rey’s reconciliation with the mother figure will probably have to come through some form of interaction with something left behind by Leia, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Maz Kanata reprise her quest giver role in a more motherly capacity, with a symbolic or literal passing of the torch, so to speak.

Having made his decision (“I know what I have to do” part 3?), Kylo will attempt to sabotage the First Order’s assault from the inside. This attempt will not go as planned (Kylo’s not much of a planner), and Hux’s long-anticipated coup will spring into action. 

Having learned of his betrayal, the Knights of Ren will turn on Kylo, each of them having been trained to seek power over all else. I expect some of them will go with the assault force (which was at least partially successfully fucked up by Kylo’s attempt at sabotage— something that the Resistance will know was his doing), while the rest lie in wait to ambush Kylo as he goes to either escape or re-establish control.

During his fight with the Knights, Kylo will be badly wounded, but will manage to escape. Having made his way as far as he can on his own, he’ll either consciously or unconsciously call out to Rey through the Force.

Rey will hear his call and will go to him, and I expect that will be over the objection of her friends, and may result in Rey threatening violence against one of them (Finn, probably) if they try to stop her (still on the fence about this).

Finding him wounded, Rey and Kylo’s reunion will be cut short by the remaining Knights of Ren. Rey will fight them and hold her own for awhile, but will soon be overpowered, and an injured Kylo will join the fight and save her life. Together they’ll finish off the remaining Knights, thus bringing an early end to the new order.

Meanwhile, Hux and the First Order, having been more debilitated by Kylo’s betrayal than it first appeared, are losing to a resurgent Resistance fleet. Hux’s brief tenure as Supreme Leader will end in ignominy, his death coming in as humiliating a fashion as befits the smallness of his character.

The defeat of the First Order will be attended by Something Very Bad (I haven’t a clue as to what that could be, but suffice it to say I anticipate it would be some kind of kamikaze self-destruct protocol that’ll threaten both the Resistance fleet and a massive number of civilians).

Rey and Kylo, able to see this Something Very Bad happening from their vantage, will risk everything to save everyone else, and do something with the Force, working together, that will blow our minds. Like stop a Star Destroyer from falling on a city, or something equally as impossible. I expect this will involve them coming together physically (probably holding hands), to juxtapose them being separated at the end of TFA and TLJ.

The Resistance will be saved, and the First Order decimated beyond reckoning. Those who witnessed it know they were saved by the Force, and the only two people capable of wielding it in such a way.


Kylo Ren will die. Having sustained serious wounds, and having had to expend a titanic effort using the Force, Kylo will collapse into Rey’s arms in a La Pieta motif. This will probably be shot either like the Luke/Vader scene or the Anakin scene with his dying mother in Attack of the Clones. It’s going to be rough.

“Hey! Hold on! You said happily ever after, you motherfucker!”

I sure did. Remember, we’re on a Heroine’s Journey. Kylo Ren is not a capital-h Heroic figure. He is a tragic figure given the opportunity for redemption through penitence and selfless sacrifice. And what is the last stage of the Heroine’s Journey before the final triumph?

Mastery Over Life and Death.

Where the Hero’s Journey can often involve the resurrection of the Hero himself, the Heroine’s Journey ends with her saving her lover from death, often resurrecting him through magical means. The Force is nothing if not the space fantasy version of magic, and the desire for this kind of power is exactly what caused Anakin to fall. But Anakin’s desire to achieve mastery over life and death was inextricably tied to his tragic flaw, meaning that the very act of seeking it would lead to the tragedy he sought to prevent. The Heroine, however, never seeks this power explicitly. It is made available to her when she is in greatest need, and is realized through the love she has for her counterpart. Because the Heroine’s final triumph requires her lover to be alive (so she can finally achieve motherhood in her own right), this step is essential. Don’t think you’ve ever seen this before? Think Beauty and the Beast and Tangled.


Ben Solo will be reborn. Having passed through death and been reborn through the grace of his lover, Ben Solo will have achieved an earned redemption, and a chance at a new life.

What then? Tears of joy, kisses, reunion with friends, reconciliation and apologies, and then, at long last...

A time jump. A few years, I think. The Jedi Temple at Ahch-To. Rey and Ben teaching a new generation of Jedi. And, yes, babies. Probably twins. Sunset, Force theme swells, circle wipe to a star field, the end.

Okay, so that was way longer than I expected. Thanks for staying with me on that one. Of course, all of the above could be spectacularly wrong, but I’m bringing all of my instincts and education in lit theory to bear here, and incorporating the best ideas I’ve encountered in the fandom, and this feels right.

I’m sure at least some of you would agree.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Speculative Screenplay Scene from the middle of Episode IX

POE: The First Order has divisions here, here, and here. We’re boxed in.

FINN: They’ll create a perimeter. Then they’ll tighten the noose. It’s how they operate.

POE: I agree. Any ideas?

ROSE: We could make a push here, where they haven’t reinforced, and make a break for it.

FINN: No. They’ll have accounted for that. In fact, I’m sure that’s what they hope we’ll do. They’re waiting for us to make a mistake.

POE: What do our supplies look like?

RESISTANCE OFFICER: Not good, General. We’ve been cut off for a week now. We have enough to last us a few days. Nothing more.

POE: Then we’re up against the wall. We have to move. Now.

FINN: Rey, what do you think? You’re the Jedi.

REY: None if this is going to matter. We should stand our ground. They’ll come to us. We need to be ready.

POE: We don’t have time for that.

FINN: Poe’s right. The First Order will wait us out, and strike when we’re weak.

REY: No. They’ll come for us as soon as they’re ready.

FINN: How can you know that?

REY: I just do.

POE: We know that Kylo Ren’s flagship is here. And we know that any assault will involve his personal guard. If they’re going to attack, that part of the fleet will be in the vanguard.

FINN: It won’t be that simple. They’ll make us think that and hit us from the sides. It’s standard procedure.

REY: No, he won’t do that.

FINN: Who? Kylo Ren?

ROSE: I think that was implied, Finn.

POE: All right, people. Maybe we should let Rey have the floor. Tell us what she’s thinking.

REY: Kylo won’t try to trick us. He’ll come at us head on. There won’t be any trickery. He’s not like that.

FINN: How well do you know him? How do you know any of this?

POE: Okay, Finn. Let’s just settle down. I think Rey’s earned the benefit of the doubt.

FINN: No, I think we need some explanation here. What happened down on the surface? I saw you. We all saw you. You were right there with him. You let him go. And he let you go. What’s going on with you two?

[Rose looks at Rey, and a sad, knowing expression crosses her face as Rey remains silent]

REY: ...

ROSE: He’s in love with her.

REY: ...

ROSE: And she’s in love with him.

REY: ...

FINN: (laughing) Come on, that’s ridiculous.


FINN: That’s ridiculous, right?

[Silence. Rey stands up and leaves the room.]

[Finn goes to follow her.]

ROSE: Hey, let her be.

[Finn looks at Rose, his face pained.]

FINN: I have to know. We all do.

[Finn follows Rey into the hangar bay.]

FINN: Rey, wait.

[Rey stops, and turns slowly, her expression inscrutable.]

FINN: What’s going on? Please tell me.

REY: I couldn’t possibly know where to begin.

FINN: Is it true?

REY: ...

FINN: Do you love him?

REY: It isn’t that simple.

FINN: Yeah, it really is. Do you love him or not?

[Seconds tick by like hours. Rey searches for the words, and when they come, they aren’t at all what she expected: solid, clear, and true.]

REY: I’ve known since I first saw him on Takodana. That he was the one I’d seen in my dreams. The monster in a mask. The frightened little boy. I didn’t want to believe it at first.

FINN: You saw him. In dreams.

REY: I knew you wouldn’t understand.

FINN: No. Help me understand. I need to. We all need to.

REY: He’s a part of me. And I’m a part of him. Nothing will change that. 

[Finn’s expression changes from searching to resignation. He can see the answer he was looking for.]

FINN: Then they’ve already won. You were our last hope.

REY: I’m still here, aren’t I?

FINN: Are you? Where were you headed, just now? I know the hangar. I know where the Falcon is docked. You’ve been ready to disembark and leave us behind for weeks.

REY: That’s not fair, Finn. Take it back.

FINN: Isn’t it, though? What did you think would happen? How is this even possible?

REY: I don’t know. It just is.

FINN: Have you been communicating with him? Does he know where we are?

REY: Don’t you dare. Everything I’ve done, everything I’ve sacrificed since Crait has been for the Resistance. You don’t have the right.

FINN: Don’t I? What happened on the Supremacy? What really happened? I think I deserve to know the truth.

REY: What do you think you deserve to know? That Kylo Ren’s real name is Ben Solo? That he killed Snoke to save my life? That he offered me a place at his side, and I refused him? Is that what you want to know?

FINN: ...

REY: Maybe you want to know more. Did you know that Ben Solo woke up one night to find his uncle, Luke Skywalker, a legend, a god, a man without equal, standing over him with an ignited lightsaber? Or perhaps you wanted to know that Snoke had been whispering in his mind since he was a small child? Is that what will make a difference? Because I SAW IT.  I KNOW IT.

FINN: ...

REY: Don’t question where my allegiance lies. You have no idea what I’ve given up to protect you and everyone else. You have no idea what I’ve confronted day after day since I lifted those rocks and saved the lot of you.

FINN: Rey, I...

REY: Don’t. Just don’t.

[Rey turns and walks away, toward the Falcon. Finn reaches out and takes hold of her arm. She turns back to face him.]

FINN: Rey. You deserve better.

[Rey pulls her arm from his grasp, her demeanor touched by certainty, but not defiance or anger.]

REY: So does he.

[End scene]

TLJ Hand Touch ForceTime - Kylo POV

The droid had long ago finished its work. The sterile dark of the med bay was broken only by an array of cold blue wall lights. He was the same place he’d been for— how long now? Minutes? Hours? Sitting, listening, watching. Looking at her. The girl. The scavenger. Rey.

She moved, shifting beneath her blanket, her hair damp and hanging in delicate strings around her face, the firelight dancing across her, flickering in her eyes. He had still not acclimated himself to this new normal, a life in which she was always there, just at the edge of perception, and then, without warning, right there in front of him. Real, and vital, and close enough to touch, all the world drowned out save for heartbeats and the sound of her breathing.

Something had changed. The last time the Force had joined them, some of the hate, that blind, fiery hate, she bore him, had faded. Familiarity had begun to breed comfort. But now the hatred had drifted; it was still there— he could feel it; but it was remote and subsumed by something stronger.

He didn’t know how long she’d been talking, couldn’t remember how it had started. She’d been talking about a cave, and a vision. The Force had offered her answers, but not the ones she wanted. He knew well the disappointment of false promise. And as she spoke, something old and distant welled up inside him. Tears brimmed his eyelids, and a tightness spread from his chest to his throat, a deep yearning he scarcely recognized, and only knew from memories of another time, another life.

Joined as they were, he could feel and perceive many things as she spoke— memories and feelings flowed freely. He could feel her loneliness, so desperate and sharp, so familiar. When he’d looked into her mind on D’qar, he’d seen and felt the memories of the desert, but not like this. There was nothing like this. He wondered what she felt and saw from him. And for a moment felt a twinge of shame.

“I thought I would find answers here. I was wrong,” she said, her voice growing softer. She wasn’t fighting back the tears anymore. “I’ve never felt so alone.”

“You’re not alone,” he heard himself say. 

Her eyes darted to his, and locked there, hers touched by fire, his deep and dark and reflected with the icy blue of the med bay lights.

“Neither are you.” Her voice was gentle and certain and trembled with sudden fear. Not the fear of pain or the dread of loss— the fear of leaving oneself so open; the fear of daring to hope. “It isn’t too late.”

His mind began to race. All the past and the dark fire of regret surged through him. The students at the temple. Countless prisoners taken and tortured and left to their fates. Lor San Tekka. The villagers on Jakku. Han Solo. She knew. She saw all of it. All the pain and cruelty, the anger, the helplessness, the tableau of his life’s stage, dark and empty and streaked red.

And yet she didn’t look away. Her face was sad and hopeful and lovely in the firelight, her eyes searching, beckoning. She slowly lifted her hand from beneath her thin shawl and began to reach out to him across the impossible distance that separated them: untold light years; the space of a few feet.

Without knowing why, he took off his glove. He could have said a thousand things about why what she was doing wouldn’t work, or to warn her off, or to refute her. But he didn’t. She reached out to him, and he reached out to her. He could feel his hand trembling. What was he reaching for? What did he think would happen here? What did he hope would happen?

He could feel the heat of the fire, the warmth of her body, just inches from his. Attachment leads to tragedy and loss. He could smell the earthen scent of the stone hut, the cool, clean smell of rain. It isn’t her strength that is making you fail, it’s your weakness. The sound of her breathing, the smell of her skin. Show me, Grandfather, show me the power of the Darkness. Anticipation. Warmth. Light.

The touch of another. So slight a thing. Fingertips. Her dark eyes. The desert sun. The cold of space. The drumbeat of raindrops. The thrum of engines. Breath. Sweat. Silence.

The rush of feeling is overwhelming. Like nothing he’s ever felt. Everything at once, all rushing through him. And then the vision starts. He still sees her eyes. He never leaves her eyes. But he sees the vision in her, through her.

A lightsaber ignites. The bloodbeat of combat. Her eyes. Fire, embers, dark and light. Her. Standing with him. And something more. Heat. Light. The scent of sun-kissed hair. The taste of her. Wind and sand. Her eyes. And more. So much more. If only he could—


Luke was there. Saw him. Actually saw him.

And she was gone. The firelight gone. The warmth faded to quiet cold. He wiped the tears from his eyes, and put his glove back on. And darkness enclosed him once more.